We Spend Too Much Time Sitting to Ignore Our Chairs

Multiple factors trigger back pain and such problems begin to develop in childhood. Often, overloading the spine is caused by the relative weakness of the back muscles and improper school chairs. As a result of unchanging processes, microtraumas are observed, processes of "wear and tear" begin in the surrounding tissues, and the more such accompanying factors, the more dangerous are irreversible changes in the body. Muscles play a decisive role in fixing the ridge.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity contribute to the imbalance in the work of the muscles: with insufficient load, they weaken and shorten, and the muscles that are experiencing overload, stretch and are in a constant tone. Prolonged overstrain of muscle mass provokes a violation of their nutrition, an inflammatory process is formed — myositis with myalgia pain. 

About 10% of cases of back pain are caused by diseases of adjacent organs. For example, a person with heart pathology may experience the same symptoms as with osteochondrosis. Investing in the best school chairs will prevent children from coping with serious health problems in adolescence.

At-Risk: Factors of Back Pain

Factors provoking irritation of nerve endings and negative changes in the muscles of the back:

  • constant unnatural posture, which includes sedentary work;
  • low physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • constant and hard physical work;
  • injuries to muscles or bones of the back, including fractures;
  • congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Development of Diseases of the Spine in Children

The function of a shock absorber (mechanical function) in the spine is performed by softening pads — intervertebral discs, which occupy a third of the volume of the ridge. They transfer the load along the spinal column, making it possible to bend and rotate to the sides. The disc is essentially a cartilage-like tissue made from a gel-like mass (collagen and water). The inner area, the so-called loose core, experiences the greatest stress at increased pressure. If children’s school chairs make such overloads frequent and excessive, a change in the structure of the spine occurs, pain first appears, then deformities form.

The older the person, the less elastic the intervertebral space — the amount of collagen in the body decreases, the risk of the formation of diseases of the ridge and its injuries increases.

The load on the discs is possible due to the person's weight, body position, and muscle activity. Assuming how many daily activities the spine performs (turning, bending, sitting, walking), it is easy to imagine the degree of stress on the back. If the muscles are strong enough to help hold the load, then the ridge does not suffer.

If a person is in low physical activity and constantly sits in front of a computer, then the muscles are not so elastic, there is a risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Because students spend so much time in a sitting position, a kid’s school chair can be the main helper as well as a real enemy. To maintain a healthy spine, it is not enough to do sports exclusively, so a few hours of psychical education lessons per week do not save the situation. It is necessary to approach this issue in a comprehensive manner: proper nutrition, sports, and orthopedic furniture. 

Healthy Children Furniture: An Investment You Should Not Neglect

When performing certain actions, the load on the spine changes. The best desk chairs for kids take this into account and provide great neck and lumbar support. Flexion and extension tend to stretch or squeeze the disc, and the load increases from top to bottom due to the geometry of the body. The sitting posture ensures that the load on the intervertebral space is consistently high. In order for the load to be evenly distributed, not to contribute to a change in the structure of the discs, you need to choose a comfortable posture and the right furniture.

What modern school chairs can be called orthopedic? Ones that, based on their design features, are capable of supporting the human skeleton. At the same time, the computer chair does not have to be very expensive or have 50 adjustment elements. To ensure an orthopedic correct base, it is sufficient that school chairs for children have:

  • Comfortable durable PU foam layer (seat base).
  • Correctly shaped back.
  • Seat height adjustment mechanisms.
  • Elements providing back support at all levels — from the waist to the head.

The minimum requirements for a school or computer chair in terms of orthopedic support will help maintain health and slow down irreversible changes in the spine. Invest in the future of your kids with Kulik System as all our furniture is health-tested and completely safe in the long-term perspective.

Changes within the disc, observed with age, lead to a loss of its elasticity and strength. Age-related changes are irreversible, but they can be significantly slowed down. To do this, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to solving the issue. Correct orthopedic furniture is one such component of health. Buy classroom chairs for preschool through high school if you are unsure about choosing the chair that will serve for years. Opt for other regulable items and think in advance about the adjustments that will take care of your student’s health.